The Seven Principles of Lean Software Development
#1 Eliminate Waste
- Remove all non-value adding waste
- Myth: Early specification reduces waste
- Use inspection to prevent defects, not recognize them afterwards
- Myth: The job of testing is to find defects
- Use feedback every step of the way; only then can complexity be tamed -- it's never available beforehand
- Myth: Predictions create predictability
- Schedule irreversible decisions to occur at the last possible moment
- Myth: Planning is commitment
- Minimize time from concept to cash by maximizing throughput
- Myth: Haste makes waste
- Use responsibility based planning and control; reward sphere of impact, not span of control
- Myth: There is one best way
- A lean organization optimizes the entire value stream; any other optimization is sub-optimal for the overall organization
- Myth: Optimize by decomposition